Secret To Success 'GOING SMALL'

Have you ever thought that if everyone has the same number of hours in a day , why do some people seem to get so much more done than others???? Or have you ever asked yourself that why you can not become a billionaire and make your life large??
So here is a small step that you can take and apply in your life and you can get extraordinary results ..

Go small

'Going small' is ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do .You became full focused towards your work and do not think about all other things .Go small as possible as you can and after sometimes when you look back then you realise that you came a long way dude.
Bcoz it is true that Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.

The 'Lie' That mislead us

Most of us think that success is time consuming and complicated. As a result,their calendars and to -do list become overloaded and overwhelming. Success starts to feel out of reach , so they settle for less.Overtime they lower their expectation,  abandon their dreams , and allow their life to get small . 
So pickup your 'smallest task' that you can do right now and master yourself in it.


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