Earth-5 Summit also known as Kyoto Summit was held at Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. In this summit regarding to temperature control some very important decisions were taken.

Under this agreement, popularly known as Kyoto protocol, countries of Europe were required to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas by 8%, the U.S.A. by 7% and Japan by 6%.

Emission norms were also set for the countries like China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, etc.

Also, it was said that under no circumstances the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere should go beyond the year 1990.
The year decided for complying by the norms was 2012. Kyoto Protocol has started functioning since 16 February 2005.

To implement the Kyoto protocol requirements, New Zealand has imposed a Carbon tax since May 2005 to check emissoion o greenhouse gases. By this, the fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas will get more expensive than eco-friendly energy sources like water, wind and solar power. Thus, electricity generators would get inclined towards these. New Zealand is the first country in the world to levy such a tax to control global warming. A Solar power plant has been set up in the Mojave desert, located in the south of California of USA. Australia is also setting up such power plant in the province of Victoria. Sweden is the first country in the world, where rail is running through biogas.
USA has to success in producing bio fuel from e-coli-bacteria. This can be used as substitute of petrol as fuel.
