Common uses of ROBOTICS

Industrial robotics have emerged as a popular manufacturing methodology in several areas in recent years, including welding, materials, transports, assembly, and spray finishing operations. Since the advent of robots, work has benen shared between man and machine. But,as robots become more technologically advanced and autonomous, they learn how to do jobs faster and better than humans. Let us have a look at robots already invented and being used in the industry.

1- Industrial Robots: 

Industrial robots are electrinically controlled, both programmable and reprogammable to carry out certain tasks with high precise and accuracy. Robots have been extensively used in highly advanced manufacturing facilities or high volume assembly lines for a long time. They are efficient and produce high yields or output. The most common use of robots is in the automobile industry where they are used for various applications like welding, painting, etc.  The robots can carry out tasks which are very difficult or hazardous to human beings.

2- Military Purpose:

Possibly the worst part of robotic application is in military use, as it may curtail human life of upholding it.You can conquer or be conquered with a robot. Military robots are some of the most high-tech and important robots used today. These state-of-the-art machines save lives by performing extremely dangerous extremely dangerous without endangering humans. Some common robots used by the military are Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) robots,which are capable of examining suspicious packages and surrounding areas to find and even deactivate improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and mines. They can even deliver unexploded ordinance for examination and proper detonation.

3- Assembly:

It is one of the most demanding operations for industrial robots. A number of conditions must be met for robotic assembly to be viable, among them that the overall production system be highly coordinated. The sophistication of the control system required implies a large number initial capital outlay, which generally requires production of 100,000 to one million units per year in order to be profitable. Robotic assembly has come to be used in the production of a wide range of goods, including circuit boards, electronic components and equipment, household appliances, and automotive subassemblies.

4- Space exploration:

One of the most amazing areas of robotics is the use of robots in space. These state-of-the-art machines give astronauts the chance to explore space in the most mind-boggling ways. The most commonly used space robots are Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and the Remote Manipulator System (RMS), which are both used in variety of space missions. ROVs can be unmanned spacecraft that orbit freely or land when it makes contact with an outer space surface and explore the terrain. Both capture remarkable data and visual footage that would never be humanly possible without the assistance of robots. RMS mechanical arms also help astronauts perform very important and difficult tasks during space missions.

5- Fight Crime

Police robots help fight crime without risking the lives of police officers. Law enforcement officers use an array of high-tech and remote-controlled robots that are equipped with front and back cameras, infrared lighting and a speaker to search for criminals and find their location without endangering a police officer. State-of-the-art like ROBOTEX robot is waterproof, can climb stairs and flip itself over and has a 360 degree camera to help catch criminals. Other equipment, such as the Andros F6-A, are used by police agencies during hostage situations. This heavy-duty robot is capable of shooting off a water cannon or weapon in order to detain a criminal and protect those who are in danger.

Applications of robotics-

1-Industry- Now a days, robots are entering into number of industries because of its advantages like it can do repetitive work for 24/7 without getting tired, it never gets sick or need time off. Besides it can be used for tasks which are dangerous for humans. Companies are also using robots for security purposes in which robot technology watches for invaders. If an invader is caught it lets out a scream while calling the police. They are also working on robotic technology that can conduct business tours to executive without having them presents, via cameras and microphones. Industrial Robots are used in general materials handling, welding industries, inspection etc, for improving productivity by increasing per capita production and laboratory applications.

2- Space- Space based robotic technology is applied within three specific mission areas: exploration robotics, science payload maintenance, and on-orbit servicing. Related elements are terrestrial/commercial applications which transfer technologies generated from space tele-robotics to the commercial sector and component technology which encompasses the development of joint designs, muscle, exoskeletons and sensor technology.

3- Medical- 

Robots are critical to the medical field where extreme precision and delivery is necessary. In the field of surgery, robots are able to perform major operations by making small incisions. Patients receive many benefits: such as lessened trauma, fewer infections and decreased healing time. Robots are also been used to perform heart surgery without opening patients' chests. Robots are also making their way into the medical field by assisting in high precision surgeries such as gall bladder removals, brain surgeries and heart bypass. Robotic technology is also being used in diagnostics. Pharmaceuticals are also jumping on the robotics band wagon to use robots for testing quality control by food processors to check for bacterial contamination.
