There are 22 recognised languages of India which are mentioned in it's Constitution.
But, originally there were only 14 languages which were given recognition at the onset of Constitution.
The eighth schedule of Indian Constitution contains all those languages which are given official recognition.
3 Amendments has been done  in Constitution to add other 8 languages in Constitution's seventh schedule.
These amendments are:
21st amendement in 1967 : added Sindhi language in eighth schedule.
71st amendment in 1992: added 4 languages in eighth schedule, Bodo, Dogri, Maithli and Santhali. (to remember: BDMS ).
92nd amendment in 2003: added 3 new languages in eighth schedule, Nepali, Mainpuri and Konkani.
A simple trick to remember amendments related to addition of language: 21 + 71 = 92.
The 96th amendment in 2011: substituted the word 'Oriya' by 'Odia' which is also a language recognised by the Constitution of India.
