The Earth Summit 1992

The Earth Summit 1992 also known as Rio-de Jenerio Convention was a very important effort at the international level in the direction of development and conservation of the environment.
In this summit, conservation programmes were designed and goals were set for the development of environment for the 21st century and it was called as Agenda-21.

It was divided into four parts:

1-Under the programmes related to the developing countries nations, poverty alleviation and population control were considered necessary because without solving these two monstrous problems, no environment related programmed can attain success in these countries.

2- Availability of food, drinking water and social security to all.

3- Emphasizing on the liberalization of capital transfer.

4- Thrust on the survey of organic diversity and conservation of organisms under threat.

Four other decisions taken into this convention were related to;
Temperature control
Conservation of forest
Bio-diversity conservation 
and Sustainable development.  
