Specialised Cultivations

Along with the traditional agriculture,  some specialized agriculture are also practised in the world. They are-

1- Viticulture: It is the export oriented cultivation of grapes.
2- Pisciculture/Aquaculture: It is trade oriented breeding of fish.
3- Sericulture: It is the practise of rearing of silk worms in which growing of mulberry tree is also included. 
4- Horticulture: Large-scale production of various fruits for the export purpose.
5- Oliviculture: Trade oriented cultivation of olives.
6-Arboriculture: Cultivation of various types of trees and shrubs in which their conservation and expansion are also included.
7-Apiculture: Rearing of honeybees for the production of honey for trade purposes.
8-Floriculture: Trade oriented growing of various types of flowers.
9-Vegiculture: It is the primitive type of agriculture practised by the early man of southeastern Asia.
10-Silviculture: Activity related to the conservation and development of forests. 11-Namery culture: A primitive agriculture practise, in which roots, tubers,  fruits,  and flowers were gathered. 12- Oleryculture: Commercial cultivation of the vegetables grown on creepers.
13-Mari Culture: Commercial production of ocean or sea organisms ( shrimps, oysters etc.).
14-Horsiculture: Commercial rearing and breeding of good quality horses and mules.
15-Vermiculture: Rearing of earthworms for increasing agricultural production.
16-Moriculture: Agriculture of mulberry for silk work.
17-Aeriponic: Plantation of trees,  without surface , in air
18- Pomology: Science of fruits.
