Every soul needs a medium to give effect to any emotions or activity like talking, sleeping, eating etc. And that medium could be human being any animal or other living beings.

Since the ancient times most of the religions and people have accepted that soul of a living being is immortal. I agree to this view. Just give a thought to it that when we sleep soundly we do not know what is happening around us, because at that time our brain gets in unconscious state which is similar like biological death for some time. Sometimes, we see dreams and nightmares and reach in a different world. Some person also experience "sleeping paralysis" whom they think ghost types of thing have attacked him in which they experience that some one is trying to press them while they are sleeping and they try to cry at that time but they cannot. This experience  is very horrific.Actually, at that time our brain stop working and our body gets paralyzed but our soul remain aware what is happening around us but it can not do anything like that of dead people.
This gist of former incident is that our soul always remain alive and aware that what is happening around us.Soul is immortal, it never die. What die is our body which is made of destructible materials. Our body is like a home in which our soul lives. As we living beings live in home, very same our soul live in our body.

As a house has all basic amenities for survival and protection of a human beings, very same our body have different systems like kidney, liver, lungs and heart etc for our soul. 
If our house get dirty or eroded we clean and repair it , in the same way, when our body get affected by any disease etc we led by our soul go to doctor for solution.
When our house gets in very bad state or completely damaged we leave it to live in other house and till we do not find new house we remain in its search, very same when our body organs or system gets failed our soul leave it, that is the state of death and wander here and there till it not get new body, which is the state of birth.

Living in this materialistic world we start thinking that we will not die and our body is everything but my friends it is wrong.

           your body is just like a house of your soul  

           in which it will live till your yo body or soul's house remains in good state.

this is my personal experience ,please give your comments or suggestions.


