'Reading' : A life changing habit

If you want to become very successful in life and do miracles in your life then this gonna help you.Almost every successful person has a habit to Read in their free time. They read atleast 1 book in each month . Some read 500-1000 pages everyday , can you imagine! ..
Warren Buffett in his investing day reads 600-1000 pages each day and even now he reads a lot."The Real Iron Man' Elon Musk credits his success to books. At very early age he reads books that most of the people don't read.When he decided to learn rocket science he studied textbooks on astrophysics and engineering . 

Why To Read??

Reading gives you new concept about life and thoughts. It helps you to find your passion . It increases your productivity and improve your social life also. Read atleast 10-20 pages everyday. Most people read in their free time but you know many successful people tells that they free their time to Read.
The concepts of books will amaze you and they will introduce you a new world of productivity. The real Success is Reading Books.

There are many books in the market you can read . Read the biography of people you admire. Then you will came to know that how they think and take their actions. 
Here are some books recommend by highly effective people...

1 - Rich Dad Poor Dad 

2- Think and Grow Rich

3- Seven Habits of highly effective people 


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