Akshay kumar's much awaited film was scheduled to release on this 25th of January. Also Sanjay Leela Bhansali's much hyped big budget Padmavat gets also scheduled a 25th of January release. As there was to be a clash between these two films, both films' business was going to be affected. Yesterday Sanjay Leela Bhansali met with Akshay and requested him that if he can postponed his film release date, on this Akshay agreed at the spur of the moment.
Akshay did a press conference with Sanjay Leela Bhansali yesterday and told media that as he was saying always that both films could have a good release on this 25th of Jamuary but when Bhansali requested him to postponed his films' release date he gave his consent without taking any time.

When media asked Akshay why Padman got postponed, why not Padmavat can be postponed? Akshay answered, as Padmavat had suffered so much in recent days so there is no question that it has to be postponed again. As for his film concerned, a two week delay is adjustable for Padmavat after so much controversy this date is suitable, as its budget is high and required a holiday like Republic Day.
On this Sanjay Leela Bhansali thanks him and applauded his this step.
