MEDICAL QUIZ- WHAT IS DIABETES? precautions and how to beat it?


When the body is unable to use the sugar provided by foods properly, it accumulates in the blood and and is excreted by the kidney, hence large quantities of sugar are found in the urine of diabetics. Diabetes can occur at any age. About 2% of entire population suffer from this disease. 

What causes diabetes?

When the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient amount of insulin ( isulin also known as beta cell is a hormone responsible for the storage of sugar in the body ) it leads to diabetes. Obese and people with family history are more prone to diabetes.
Figure showing glucose metabolism.. 

What are symptons of diabetes?

Excessive urination, thirst, hunger and sleep are symptons of diabetes. Although, food intake increases in the patient, he may still feel weak. Clinically, diabetes can be diagnosed by testing blood and urine sugar.

WAhat are types of Diabetes?

there are two types of diabetes.
(a) Diabetes mellitus  - this is the common type of diabetes. It is again of two types.
1) Non- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM or type 2 ): IN NIDDM, some insulin is produced by pancreas, nut not enough to cope with amount of glucose in the body. Its main cause is obesity and can be treated by dieting successfully.
2) Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM or type 1): There is a total failure of pancreas to produce insulin. The patient has to take dialy insulin injection for the rest of his life.

(b)  Diabetes Insipidus: It is a rare chronic disorder arising from some herditary defect in pituitary glands causing deficiency of ADH ( anti-diuretic hormone ). There is no sugar present in the urine. It is treated by supplying the missing hormone.

What is hypoglycaemia?

When the sugar level is reduced to a dangerously low level, perhaphs after taking too much insulin, it results in hypoglycaemia. Sweating, shaking, double vision and finally unconsciousness are the main symptons. Glucose should immediately be given, either through injection or by mouth. If the patient is able to swallow, orange juice or sweet drink be given.

What is hyperglycaemia?

If the blood sugar level rises above the normal level, the patient may go into coma, which can be fatal. Extra insulin should be given to bring the sugar level down.

What are the common complications in diabetic persons?  

Boils and carbuncles are common in diabetic persons and are apt to be recurrent; the later being especially dangerous. Irritation of the skin around the valva and rectum is often complained of.

How is timing important in taking insulin injection?

Insulin is usually injected just before a meal. this is important because, if action of insulin in lowering nlood glucose starts before a meal, enough sugar has been absorbed from food into the blood, it may cause a low blood sugar level leading to hypoglycaemia.

What are the long range effects of diabetes?

In its long run, the patient suffer from heart disease, eye trouble, kidney failure, nervous disorders, or paralysis. Nevertheless, if diabetes is under control, a diabetic patient can live as long as a non-diabetic.

Is there any way to avoid getting diabetic?

Diabetes can be avoided by taking a balanced diet with a relatively low sugar intake and keeping the weight down to normal limits. Exercise would be a boon for the patients.

Can a diabetic patient be operated upon safely?

Yes, with modern methods of management, a diabetic patient can be operated upon safely. though in diabetic patients, healing of wounds would be rather slow but if the blood sugar content is under control, it does not create any problem in surgery.

What precautions should be taken by a diabetic patient?

He should take a controlled diet as adviced by the physician besides regular exercise to burn sugar contents that may get deposited in his body. He should dive up consuming candy, pastries, ice-creams or table sugar in his menu.


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