Medical Quiz- FITNESS and EXERCISE

What are the benefits of regular exercises?

Regular exercise increases the strength of heart and lungs, improves blood circulation and maintains the strength and flexibility of joints and muscles. It controls the body weight, increases stamina and alertness making one smart, good looking and happy.

What are meridians in the language of exercises?

A series of exercises to strengthen 'energy channels" is called meridians. They are linked to the heart, lungs, liver, gall bladder and other organs keeping them in a healthy conditions.
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What should be our exercise programme?

Three twenty-minutes sessions a weak at regular intervals are sufficient to put you on the path of fitness and well being. You can practice exercise regularly. Choose a level of activity, intense enough to make you sweaty, breathless and aware of your heart beat. You should never exert the point where you feel dizzy of faint.

What are sensible precautions for exercise?

You must do exercise regularly, irregular exercises are potentially dangerous. Increase your level of exercise gradually. Always warm-up yourself before any rigorous session, with suitable clothing and equipment. If any exercise is painful or produces any discomfort, it should be stopped altogether.

What are the different types of exercises?

There are (a ) sports (b) Keep-fit and (c) Hatha Yoga.
A0 Sports are more sociable and competitive in nature, which includes football, volleyball, table tennis, kabaddi, basketball, golf, badminton, etc.
b) Keep-fit exercise are divided into Isotonic and Isometric.
Isotonic exercises involve contraction of muscles. They increase muscle power and improve circulation system. Push ups, touching knees by sitting are some of the isotonic exercises.
Isometric exercises include lifting of weight, pressing against some fixed thing. Various machines are also used for isometric exercises.
c) Hatha yoga includes various Yogic exercises which should be done under the guidance of a good instructor.

What type of clothes and foot wear should be used?

Choose clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict movements. Cotton clothes are the best for exercises. One should use shoes with cushioned flexible soles. There should be at least half an inch clearance between toes and shoe front so that toes will move freely.

Which exercises keep our lungs and brain healthy?

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming, rowing and skipping are very useful exercises for keeping the lungs and brain healthy. Due to increased blood circulation, there is more oxygen available to brain tissues, which is good for our mental fitness.

What are the drawbacks of exercises?

Although sports and exercises are on the whole harmless, certain injuries strains or stress may occasionally. Knee, ankle and head injuries are common in ball games and cycling.
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