Medical Quiz- Ageing and its Drawbacks

What is ageing? What are its signs?

Ageing is growing old with obvious physical and emotional changes.
Generally, one gets aged around the age of forty. The cessation of bone growth, deterioration in mental ability to formulate new concepts, loss of memory, greying of hair, baldness, gradual wrinkling of skin, teeth decay are some of the factors responsible for ageing. Clinically early ageing cannot be detected except for a dew tests upon diminished functions of the vital organs indicating the possibility of ageing. Ageing changes can be seen clearly from fig....

What determines Longevity?

A person who has live a healthy and stress-free life may live pretty longer to one who has been sick and under stress. Obesity and sedentary habits also reduce longevity. It is found that married people tend to live longer than single persons.
"Reading" : a life changing habit..

Do smoking and alcohol make one grow old prematurely?

Yes, smoking and alcohol consumption reduce longevity by causing cancer, heart ailments, bronchitis or abdominal disorders, etc.

What role do diet and exercise play in the process of ageing?

A well-balanced diet delays the ageing while on unbalanced one would lead to defective body mechanism. Exercise, however, mobilizes joints, strengthens muscles and improves the functions of heart and lungs.

Is there any way to reduce the ageing process?

Yes, by eating sensible diet, avoiding overweight, avoiding excesses of all types, and getting prompt treatment for any disease can delay the ageing process.

What is geriatrics?

Geriatrics is that branch of medical science concerned with the medical, psychological and social aspect of illness and disability in old people.

What are the most important principles those underline the geriatrics approach?

a) The main one being the existence of a "geriatric team" of different specialists who pool their talent in the interests of aged patient's recovery and return to reasonable independence within the community.
b) The second important principle is that where possible elderly patients should be examined and treated in their own home. Admission in a hospital should be avoided as far as possible.
c) The theme of the third and most important principle is that old age is not a disease. Much can be done to relieve the problems of old age. There is no need for older people to lose their independence and entitlement to reasonable health.

What is the most common disease of old age?

Atherosclerosis is th most common disease and it has become accepted as inevitable part of ageing. The level of cholesterol in the blood is considered one of the factors related to the development of atherosclerosis.

What are the social problems of ageing?

Aged people try to remain physically fit if not economically independent in their old age. Loneliness in the older age group is a major problem: the death of spouses and decreased ability in all fronts along with physical disabilities may contribute to the feeling of isolation which in turn may lead to apathy, rigid attitudes, depression, fraility and so on.

What is menopause?

The gradual cessation of menstrual periods is known as the menopause. Reproductive life ends at the menopause. The menstrual cycle first becomes irregular and eventually stops altogether around the age of 45, due to hormonal changes, irritbility and depression factors. Hot flushes and palpitations are also being experienced. All these problems are temporary and disappear gradually. However, sexual responsiveness is unaffected by menopause.
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