What is Coral Bleaching?

Coral bleaching means whitening of algae and decaying of corals due to lack of photosynthesis.
Global warming is considered to be most causative factors of coral bleaching.
Other major causes of coral bleaching are:
1- temperature increase in ocean surface,
2- geno-biotic appearance,
3- inorganic nutrients and 
4- anthropogenic factors.    


Coral reefs are consist of skeletons of lime secreting organisms called polyps.These polyps live in symbiotic relationship with micro algae which are also called Zucthenol.
As coral reefs producing organisms polyps live in symbiotic relationship with Zucthenol( that is both polyps and zucthenol depends on each other for their survival and food), so coral reefs get also destroyed if zuctenol get destroyed.
Once coral bleaching starts, their Zucthenol gets destroyed first of all. Coral turns into white when the average temperature of ocean surface increases by 1 degree C. 
During 1997-98 the oceanic surface temperature increased by 2 degree C which caused coral catastrophe on larger scale in the whole world.

First time coral bleaching was noticed in 1919 by Alfred Mayor. But for the first time it was noticed seriously in 1998.
Their observation drew the attention of the environmentalist across the world.Then they advocated for the serious implementations of the international law to conserve the coral reefs. Since Coral Reefs are the biggest marine biodiversity, it was stressed upon to encourage research on them.It also encouraged human activities like marine industry, tourism, fishing etc. on the basis of scientific suggestion as precautions. In order to protect and conserve them, international co-operation an awareness are also required.

India is also striving to protect and conserve coral reefs in their adjoining coastal region. Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology(CMLRE), Cochin is also working  in this direction.

The main reason for the coral bleaching is the global warming that is increase in temperature of the Earth due to increase in contents of carbon dioxide gas. As carbon dioxide gas is opaque to terrestial radiation therefore it traps the sunlight coming from sun hence, increases the temperature of the Earth. The increase in temperature of the Earth leads to increase in temperature of the ocean surface. Due to this increase in temperature of ocean surface first Zucthenol get destroyed then Coral Reefs start whitening.
So we have to be environment friendly to protect the biggest marine biodiversity which are coral reefs.
